Sterex Blend Electrolysis

Long Term Facial Hair Removal

Improving your confidence by treating unwanted facial hair is a particular pleasure of mine as a skilled Electrologist with over 30 years experience.

Electrolysis is a proven form of long term facial hair removal. Sterex Blend combines two types of gentle, effective currents to gradually weaken and destroy the hair root and the growth plate at the root. A consultation is required to discuss your individual concerns and to create a treatment plan.


How the treatment works

With Sterex Blend Electrolysis each individual hair is treated by sliding a very fine probe (finer than the hair) along the hair follicle until it reaches the root.

The current is applied for a few seconds – you may feel a slight warmth. The probe is then removed and the hair is removed too.
Each hair is treated individually until the area is clear.

Sterex Blend gradually weakens the growth plate of the hairs over time. This treatment is very effective on thicker or coarse hairs on the chin and sides of the lip. The hairs gradually become weaker and finer.

As the area, strength and cause of excessive (unwanted) hair growth is different for everyone, an in depth consultation will help determine how I can best help you. We will discuss the length and frequency of treatments to bring about the best long term solution to your problem.


Find me

Tracey Hughes Beauty
Rear of the Woovers
Norwell Road
Newark NG23 6AQ

Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 8.30am - 5pm
Alternate Saturdays 9am -5pm